第129章(1 / 2)

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  [102]Cf.A.Vogt,‘La patricienne à ceinture’,EO 37(1938),352 ff.;cf.H.E.Del Medico,‘Byzance avant Byzance:la Patricienne à ceinture’,Actes du Ⅵe Congrès International d’Etudes byzantines Ⅰ(1950),73 ff.

  [103]Cf.R.Guilland,‘Les eunuques dans l’Empire byzantin;EB 1(1943)196 ff.;idem,2(1944)185 ff.;3(1945),179 ff.;idem,‘Etudes de titulature byzantine:les titres auliques reservés aux eunuques’,REB 13(1955),50 ff.;14(1956)122 ff.;idem‘Etudes sur l’histoire administrative de l’Empire byzantin:les titres auliques des eunuques’B 25/27(1955/57),649 ff.

  [104]R.Guilland,‘Etudes de titulature byzantine:le rectorat’,Mémorial L.Pétit(1948),185 ff.

  [105]R.Guilland,‘Etudes de titulature et de prosopographie byzantines:le protostrator’,REB 7(1950),156 ff.

  [106]De cerim.264 and 528,.Cf.F.Uspenskij,‘Konstantinopoljskij eparch’,Izv.Russk.Archeol.Inst.v K/le 4(1899),90 ff.

  [107]Bury,Admin.System 91 f.;Dolger,‘Kodikellos’53 f.and Finanzverwaltung 22 f.

  [108]Cf.H.G.Beck,‘Der byzantinische“Ministerprasident”,’BZ 48(1955),309 ff.;J.Verpeaux,‘Contribution a l’étude de l’administration byzantine:,BS 16(1955),270 ff.

  [109]Cf.Dolger,Finanzverwaltung 24 f.

  [110]Cf.Dolger,Byz.Diplomatik,62 f.

  [111]Cf,Dolger,Byz.Diplomatik,50 ff.

  [112]This has already been emphasized by Uspenskij,‘Voennoe ustrojstvo,154 ff.Recently Glykatzi-Ahrweiler,Recherches,2 ff.,24 ff.,has clearly demonstrated this distinction in a detailed study.

  [113]Cf.R.Guilland,‘Etudes sur l’histoire administrative de Byzance:le Domestique des Scholes’,REB 8(1950),5 ff.;Glykatzi-Ahrweiler,Recherches,26 and 55 ff.

  [114]Cf.R.Guilland,‘Etudes de titulature et de prosopographie byzantines.Les chefs de la marine byzantine’,BZ 44(1951)(Dolger-Festschrift),212 ff.

  [115]Cf.on the one hand the Tacticon Uspenskij,the Cletorologion of Philotheus and the Tacticon Benesevic,(Benesevic,‘Ranglisten’124-5),and on the other hand Liutprand,Antapodosis Ⅵ10.

  [116]The strategus of the Anatolikon theme was followed by the domesticus of the scholae,the strategus of the Armeniakon theme and then the rest of the strategi,and according to Philotheus only three officials took precedence of him,and they were,in ascending order,the syncellus of the Patriarch of Constantinople,the rector,and the basileopator(a title created by Leo Ⅵ for his father-in-law Stylianus which should really not have been included in the list of offices)。
