第149章(1 / 2)

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  [32]How great a change had taken place in the social structure of the Byzantine village is shown by the recently published land-register of Thebes,dating from the second half of the eleventh century:N.Svoronos,Recherches sur le cadastre byzantin et la fiscalitéaux XIe et XIIe siècles:le cadastre de Thèbes,Paris 1959.While according to the Ashburner Treatise the Byzantine village was a community of farmers,in the land register of Thebes we find a village which has gone over to the feudal system,and this is why this new source is so important.Cf.my article:‘Vizantijska seoska opstina’Glas srpske akad.nauka iumetnosti 210(1961),141 ff.A translation of the article,‘La commune rurale byzantine’,appeared in B 22(1962)139 ff.

  [33]Until comparatively recently only two specialist studies of immunity in Byzantium were available:P.J.Jakovenko,K istorii immumiteta v Vizantii(On the history of immunity in Byzantium),Jurjev 1908,and K.N.Uspenskij,‘Ekskussija-immunitet v Vizantijskoj imperii’(Exkousseia-immunity in the Byzantine Empire),ⅤⅤ23(1917/22),74-117.It is only in the last few years that more attention has been paid to this problem.Cf.B.T.Gorjanov,‘Pozdnevizantijskij immunitet’(Late Byzantine immunity),ⅤⅤ11(1956),177-99,12(1957),97-116;G.A.Ostrogorskij,‘K istorii immuniteta v Vizantii’,ⅤⅤ13(1958),35-106(French translation:‘Pour l’histoire de l’immunité à Byzance’,B 28(1958),165-254);M.M.Frejdenberg,‘Ekskussija v Vizantii Ⅺ-Ⅻ vv.’(Exkousseia in Byzantium in the eleventh and twelfth centuries),Uc.zap.Velikolukskogo gos.ped.inst.3(1958),339-65;A.P.Kazdan,‘Ekskussija i ekskussaty v Vizantii Ⅹ-Ⅻ vv.’(Exkousseia and those who enjoyed immunity in Byzantium from the tenth to the twelfth centuries),Viz.ocerki(1961),186 ff.,and Gorod i Derevnja,178 ff.

  [34]Cf.Ostrogorsky,Paysannerie,25 ff.

  [35]The first-known pronoiar was Constantine Leichudes.Cf.Scylitzes-Cedren.Ⅱ,645,and Zonaras Ⅲ,670,.The rights of the central authority were considerably restricted by the grants in pronoia,as is shown by the fact that the Emperor Isaac Comnenus later made every attempt to deprive Leichudes of the estates granted him in pronoia.By the seventies,grants in pronoia were already being made in large numbers;cf.Attaleiates 200.For further details cf.Ostrogorsky,La féodalité,20 ff.

  [36]From Cecaumenus 39 ff.(edd.Vasiljevskij and Jernstedt)it can be deduced with certainty that the system of farming out the taxes was already being used under the epigoni of the Macedonian dynasty.Cf.Ostrogorsky,‘Steuergemeinde’66 f.

  [37]P.Grierson,‘The Debasement of the Bezant in the Eleventh Century’,BZ 47(1954),has shown that the debasement of the Byzantine nomisma did not begin,as was previously supposed,under Nicephorus Ⅲ Botaneiates,but as early as the reign of Constantine Ⅸ Monomachus.

  [38]Scylitzes-Cedren.Ⅱ,608;cf.Neumann,Weltstellung 69.

  [39]Cf.Glykatzi-Ahrweiler,Recherches,23 f.

  [40]Cf.G.Stadtmüller,‘Landverteidigung und Siedlungspolitik im ostromischen Reich’,Bulletin de l’Inst.Archéol.Bulgare 9(1935),396 ff.and especially Glykatzi-Ahrweiler,Recherches,67 ff.

  [41]Cf.Vasiljevskij,Druzina 176 ff.,and Vasiliev,‘The Opening Stages of the Anglo-Saxon Immigration to Byzantium in the Eleventh Century’,Annales de l’Inst.Kondakov 9(1937),39 ff.Cf.the important supplementary notes to Vasiliev’s paper by F.Dolger,BZ 38(1938),235 f.

  [42]The scholae,the most distinguished guards regiment of the middle Byzantine period,is last met with in 1068;cf.Attaleiates 112,Scylitzes-Cedren.Ⅱ,674,and also Stein’s important remarks on this(‘Untersuchungen’47 ff.).The new tagmata formed in the eleventh century soon disappeared.Cf.Glykatzi-Ahrweiler,Recherches,28 f.

  [43]Psellus Ⅱ,14(ed.Renauld),said that heand that.

  [44]A.P.Kazdan,‘Ioann Mavropod,pecenegi i russkie v seredine Ⅺ v.’(John Mauropous,Patzinaks and Russians in the mid-eleventh century),ZRⅤⅠ8,1(1963)177 ff.,uses a speech by John Mauropous,to show that the first Patzinak settlement in the Balkans seems to have occurred not in 1048,but in 1047 or even 1046.

  [45]De adm.imp.,pp.49 ff.(ed.Moravcsik-Jenkins)。

  [46]Vasiljevskij,Pecenegi 1 ff.is still fundamental.On the Patzinaks cf.also J.Marquart,Osteurop.und ostasiat.Streifzüge(1903),63 ff.;D.Rasovskij,‘Pecenegi,Torki i Berendei na Rusi i v Ugrii’(Patzinaks,Torks and Berendei in Russia and Hungary),Sem.Kond.6(1933),1 ff.,and further bibliography in Moravcsik,Byzantinoturcica Ⅰ,2nd ed.,89 ff.Cf.also the observations of G.Moravcsik in Constantine Porphyrogenitus,De Administrando Imperio,Ⅱ,Commentary,London 1962,12 ff.
