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  [155]M.Bachmann,Die Rede des Joh.Syropulos an den Kaiser Isaak Ⅱ.Angelos(1935),also takes a more favourable view of Isaac Ⅱ。

  [156]D.Rasovskij,‘Rol’Polovcev v vojnach Asenij s vizantijskoj i latinskoj imperijami v 1186-1207 g.’(The role of the Cumans in the wars of the Asens with the Bulgarian and Latin Empires),Spisanie na Buulg.Akad.1939,203 ff.,has admirably demonstrated that the participation of the Cumans had a decisive effect in the Byzantine-Bulgarian and later in the Latin-Bulgarian struggle,but that the Cumans took no part in the Bulgarian campaigns in summer for climatic reasons.

  [157]Cf.Zlatarski,Istoriia Ⅱ,472 ff.


  [159]Cf.M.Paulov á ,BS 5(1933-4),235 ff.

  [160]Dolger,Reg.1591.Cf.C.M.Brand,‘The Byzantines and Saladin,1185-92:Opponents of the Third Crusade’,Speculum 37(1962),170 ff.

  [161]Dolger,Reg.1603;K.Zimmert,‘Der Friede zu Adrianopel’,BZ 11(1902),303 ff.;also cf.idem,‘Der deursch-byz.Konflikt vom Juli 1189 bis Februar 1190’,BZ 12(1903),42 ff.

  [162]Jirecek,Geschichte Ⅰ,273 f.;M.Bachmann,Die Rede des Johannes Syropulos an Isaak Ⅱ.Angelos(1935),68 ff.

  [163]Cf.M.Laskaris,Vizantiske princeze u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji(Byzantine princesses in medieval Serbia),1926,7 ff.

  [164]Cf.my study,‘Die byz.Staatenhierarchie’,Sem.Kond.8(1936),41 ff.

  [165]Cf.V.Laurent,‘La Serbie entre Byzance et la Hongrie à la veille de la quatrième croisade’,Revue du Sud-Est europ.18(1941),109 ff.;N.Radojcic,‘Promena u srpskomadjarskim odnosima krajem Ⅻ veka’(The change in Serbo-Magyar relations at the end of the twelfth century),Glas Srpske akad.nauka 213(1954),1 ff.

  [166]Nic.Choniates 605.

  [167]In the life of Stephen Nemanja by St.Sava,the date given is 25 March of the year 6703(1195),though most probably the year does not come from St.Sava himself but was added later.J.Pavlovic,‘Hronoloske beleske sv.Save o Stevanu Nemanji(Chronological information given by St.Sava about Stephen Nemanja),Glas.srp.uc.drustva 47(1879),284 ff.,long ago put forward the view that Nemanja’s abdication took place in 1196,a date which was accepted by almost all experts on Serbian history.On the other hand,Ⅴ.Corovic‘Pitaje o hronologiji u delima sv.Save’(Problems of chronology in the work of St.Sava),Godisnjica N.cupica(49)(1940),65 ff.and more recently R.NovakoviC,‘Jadan pokusaj tuma cenja Savinih hronoloskih podataka u Zitiju sv.Simeuna’(An attempt at an interpretation of Sava’s chronology in his Life of St.Symeon),Ist.glasnik 3/4(1955),96 ff.,agree in favour of the year 1195.But if the abdication of Nemania is connected with the Byzantine coup d’état on 8 April 1195,as Corovicalso seems to think,the acceptance of this date raises certain difficulties.The relatively long interval between the Byzantine coup d’état on 8 April 1195 and Nemanja’s abdication on 25 March 1196 need cause no concern.As R.Novakovic,‘Kada se rodio i kada je po ceo da vlada Stevan Nemanja?’(When was Stephen Nemanja born and when did his reign begin?),Ist.glasnik 3/4(1958),181,rightly points out,Nemanja’s decision was certainly taken well before his official abdication.

  [168]On what follows cf.Zlatarski,Istorija Ⅲ,82 ff.;Mutafciev,Istorija Ⅱ,45 ff.

  [169]Cf.Norden,Papsttum und Byzanz 122 ff.On the other hand,W.Leonhardt,Der Kreuzzugsplan Kaiser Heinrichs Ⅵ。(1923),maintains that Henry never contemplated a conquest of the Byzantine Empire.But cf.the excellent refutation of Dolger,Reg.1619.
