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  [52]Pachymeres Ⅰ,97.

  [53]Ostrogorsky,Féodalité,92 ff.

  [54]Chronicle of the Morea 4657 ff.

  [55]Pachymeres Ⅰ,466.

  [56]Chapman,Michel Paléologue 154,appears to accept a total strength at 20,000 men,assuming a mobile force of 15,000 with 5,000 garrisoning the towns.But no doubt the 15,000 soldiers fighting in the Peloponnese from about 1263-5(according to Hopf,followed by Chapman)were only part of the available troops,since fighting was going on at the same time in other districts.

  [57]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,174;20.

  [58]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,223,20 and 158,10.

  [59]Cf.Stein,‘Untersuchungen’11 ff.;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 6 and 23.

  [60]Cf.Dolger,‘Zur Textgestaltung der Lavra-Urkunden und zu ihrer geschichtlichen Auswertung’,BZ 39(1939),64 f.;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 2.

  [61]Cf.Bratianu,Etudes byz.221 ff.

  [62]Pachymeres Ⅱ,493 f.On this cf.Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 8 ff.,who correctly interprets the information given by Pachymeres and points out where earlier interpretations have gone wrong.

  [63]Pachymeres Ⅱ,494.Graphic details of the misery and hunger of the Byzantine population are given in the letters of Athanasius Patriarch of Constantinople;cf.the extracts in R.Guilland,‘La correspondance inédite d’Athanase,Patriarche de Constantinople(1289-93;1304-10)’,Mélanges Diehl Ⅰ(1930),138 f.Cf.also Bratianu,?tudes byz.162 ff.;Zakythinos,Crise monétaire 109 f.

  [64]Nic.Gregoras Ⅰ,317.

  [65]Pachymeres Ⅱ,493.

  [66]Cf.G.Ostrogorsky,‘Pour l’histoire de l’immunité à Byzance’,BZ 28(1958),211 ff.
