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  [180]R.J.Loenertz,‘Jean V Paléologue à Venise’(1370-71),REB 16(1953),1217 ff.,gives an excellent reconstruction of the story of John V in Venice and has thus resolved a much disputed problem.Halecki,Un empereur,335 ff.and B 17(1944/45).313 ff.,has asserted that the arrest of John V in Venice as a debtor was a later legend and that he remained a year in Venice of his own free will.Dolger,‘Johannes Ⅶ。’,22 ff.,BZ(1933),134 and 43(1950),441 and Charanis,‘Palaeologi and Ottoman Turks’286 ff.,have pointed out that this view is untenable and have argued that John V was in fact held in Venice as an insolvent debtor.With the exhaustive study of.Loenertz,Halecki’s thesis has finally been repudiated,while the opinion held by Dolger and Charanis(which I adopted in earlier editions of this book),has been shown to need more precise definition,although admittedly this does not affect the essence of the matter but only certain nuances.As Loenertz himself says:‘He(John V)was virtually a prisoner in Venice;not a prisoner for debt,as has been wrongly stated,but all the same a prisoner of his debts,or at least,of his lack of money’(p.218).And again:‘The Signoria,in order to prevent the Emperor from leaving,had no need to put his feet in the stocks,for since he had neither money or credit,he could not provision his galleys for the return journey’(p.225)。

  [181]Lampros-Amantos,NO.47,32,for the dating;on this cf.Charanis,‘Short Chronicle’340 and‘Palaeologi and Ottoman Turks’292.


  [183]Solovjev-Mosin,‘Grcke povelje srpskih vladara’(Greek charters of Serbian rulers),No.38,6.

  [184]Demetrius Cydones,Migne PG 154,1034.


  [186]Cf.the text published from the Protaton MS.Nr.21 by P.N.Papageorgiou,BZ 3(1894),316,note 2.Cf.also Loenertz,‘M.Paléologue et D.Cydonès’278;Lemerle,Philippes 214 ff.The government of Thessalonica and the conquests in Macedonia were then solemnly passed to Manuel for his life;cf.the prooemium to the chrysobull drawn up by D.Cydones,ed.Zacharia von Lingenthal,S.B.d.Preuss.Akad.d.Wiss.1888,Ⅱ,1417 ff.

  [187]Cf.Manuel Ⅱ’s very informative prostagma of December 1408,published by Ⅴ.Mosin,‘Akti iz svetogorskih arhiva’(Documents of the archives of the Holy Mountain),Spomenik 91(1939),165 ff.On further information on the secularization of the lands of the Byzantine monasteries and their distribution as pronoia estates cf.Ostrogorsky,La féodalité161 ff.

  [188]Cf.G.Ostrogorsky,‘Byzance,Etat tributaire de l’Empire turc’,ZRVI 5(1958),49 ff.

  [189]Cf.Charanis,‘Palaeologi and Ottoman Turks’293 ff.,with references to the sources;R.J.Loenertz,‘La première insurrection d’Andronic Ⅳ Paléologue(1373)’,EO 38(1939),340 ff.;F.Dolger,‘Zum Aufstand des Andronicus Ⅳ gegen seinem Vater Johannes V.im Mai 1373’,REB 19(1961),328 ff.

  [190]Cf.F.Thiriet,‘Venise et l’occupation de Ténédos auXIVe siècle’,Mélanges d’Archéologie et d’Histoire(1953),219 ff.

  [191]D.Cydonès,Correspondance,ed.Loenertz Ⅱ,no.167,15.Charanis,‘Palaeologi und Ottoman Turks’,296 ff.,thinks that Gallipoli was only handed over at the beginning of 1377,relying on the information in a chronicle of sixteenth-century origin(Lampros-Amantos no.45,6);but how little weight can be placed on evidence from this chronicle is shown by its statement that Murad also took Serbia at the same time,Loenertz,Lettres de D.Cydonès 114,places the surrender of Gallipoli in September 1376.

  [192]According to Chalcocondyles(ed.Darko,Ⅰ,57,13 and 58,1),the tribute payments were fixed at 30,000 gold coins a year,while according to Sphrantzes(ed.Papadopulos p.60,21),the Byzantine military aid amounted to 12,000 men in cavalry and infantry.

  [193]Cf.Thiriet,op.cit.,228 ff.

  [194]Cf.Loenertz,‘M.Paléologue et D.Cydonès’,287,477.Cf.also idem,‘Fragment d’une lettre de Jean Ⅴ Paléologue à la commune de Gênes 1387-1391’,BZ 51(1958),37 ff.
