第36章(1 / 2)

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  [33]Cf.F.Dolger,‘Rom in der Gedankenwelt der Byzantiner’,Zeitschr.f.Kirchengesch.56(1937),I ff.;reprinted in Dolger,Byzanz,70 ff.

  [34]Cf.G.Ostrogorsky,‘Die byzantinische Staatenhierarchie’,Sem.Kond.8(1936),41 ff.;also F.Dolger,‘Die“Familie der Konige”im Mittelalter’,Hist,Jb.60(1940),397-420;reprinted in Dolger,Byzanz,34 ff.

  [35]Cf.Rostovtzeff,Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ⅱ,238 ff.;A.H.M.Jones,The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian,Oxford 1940,85 ff.;and more recently H.Bengtson,Griechische Geschichte,2nd ed.Munich 1960,534 ff.,especially 542 ff.

  [36]Cf.Bury,Constitution,5 ff.

  [37]Cf.A.Alfoldi,‘Die Ausgestaltung des monarchischen Zeremoniells am romischen Kaiserhofe’,Mitt.d.Deutschen Archaol.Inst.,Rom.Abt.49(1934),1-118,and‘Insignien und Tracht der romischen Kaiser’,ibid.50(1935),1-171;Treitinger,Kaiseridee;cf.also the short summary:‘Vom ostromischen Staats-und Kaisergedanken’,Leipziger Vierteljahrschr.f.Südosteuropa 4(1940),1 ff.;Graber,Empereur;F.Dolger,‘Die Kaiserurkunde der Byzantiner als Ausdruck ihrer politischen Anschauungen’,HZ 159(1939),234 ff.(reprinted in Dolger,Byzanz);J.Straub,Vom Herrscherideal in der Spatantike,Stuttgart 1939;W.Ensslin,‘Gottkaiser und Kaiser von Gottes Gnaden’,S.B.d.Bayer.Akad.d.Wissensch.1943,vol.6,Munich 1943;idem,‘Das Gottesgnadentum des autokratischen Kaisertums der frühbyzantinischen Zeit’,Studi biz.e neoell.5(1939),154 ff.;Bréhier,Institutions,52 ff.


  [39]Direct influences from the East were,however,of secondary importance;they were never determining factors in Byzantine civilization,unlike Roman,Hellenistic and Christian influences which not only moulded Byzantine development throughout,but were basic elements in its original make-up.It is impossible to assess rightly the individual quality and subtlety of Byzantine development if it is designated,as often happens,as a process of‘orientalization’,as though Byzantium was simply an‘oriental’state.My stand in the first edition of my book against this widespread view gave a number of reviewers(cf.the excellent review of H.Gerstinger,Wiener Zeitschr.f.d.Kunde d.Morgenlandes 48,1941,312 ff.)the impression that I underestimated the oriental elements in Byzantine history,a misunderstanding due mainly to the ambiguity of the term‘oriental’,and perhaps partly to the brevity of my remarks on this point which I have now tried to make clearer.

  [40]It is pointless to dispute this as is done by J.Karayannopulos,Das Finanzwesen des frühbyzantinischen staates Munich 1958.Cf.my review in Vierteljahrssche.f.Sozial-u.Wirtschaftsgesch.47,2(1960),258 ff.

  [41]On what follows see especially Seeck,Untergang Ⅱ,59 ff.;Bury,Later Rom.Empire J2,18 ff.;Lot,Fin du Monde Antique,99 ff.;Rostovtzeff,Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft Ⅱ,210 ff.;Stein,Geschichte Ⅰ,98 ff.;168 ff.;W.Ensslin,‘The Reforms of Diocletian’,CAH XII(1939),383 ff.;Kornemann,Weltgeschichte Ⅱ,247 ff.;Piganiol,Empire Chrétien,275 ff.;Vogt,Constantin der Grosse(1949);2nd ed.1960,95 ff.


  [43]An independent dioecesis Aegypti was split off from the dioecesis Orientis,and the dioecesis Moesiarum was separated into the two d.Dacia and Macedonia which then made up the Praefectura praetorio per Illyricum(cf.below,p.54).Cf.Bury,Later Rom.Empire Ⅰ2,28 ff.;E.Kornemann,‘Dioecesis’in PW 5(1905),727 ff.,and Weltgeschichte 254 ff.(with good maps XIX and XXI appended)。

  [44]Cf.Stein,Geschichte Ⅰ,53 ff.and Untersuchungenüber das Officium der Pratorianerprafektur seit Diokletian,Vienna 1922;J.R.Palanque,Essai sur la préfecture du prétoire au Bas-Empire,Paris 1933.

  [45]Cf.A.E.R.Boak,The Master of the Offices in the Later Roman and Byzantine Empires,New York 1914.

  [46]A.S.Dunlap,The Office of the Grand Chamberlain in the Later Roman and Byzantine Empires,New York 1924.R.Guilland,‘Les eunuques dans l’Empirebyzantin’,EB 1(1943),196 ff.,and‘Fonctions et dignités des eunuques’,EB 2(1944),185 ff.,3(1945),179 ff.

  [47]On the Byzantine senate see the thorough study by E.Christophilopulu,,Athens 1949.
