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  [52]That follows from the decree of 297.Cf.A.E.R.Boak,‘Early Byzantine Papyri from the Cairo Museum’,?tudes de papyrologie Ⅱ,1(1933),4 ff.;A.Piganiol,‘La capitation de Dioclétien’,Revue Hist.176(1935),1 ff.The new information which is given in the text published by Boak,and in part reprinted by Piganiol and translated into French,really concerns the technical side of assessing taxes and does not in any way in validate the conclusion,based on the rest of the source material,that the capitatio-iugatio stood for a uniform system of taxation.Cf.also the similar opinion of Stein,Bas-Empire 199,note 2.

  [53]M.Rostovtzeff,‘Studien zur Geschichte des romischen Kolonates’,Archiv.f.Papyrusforsch.,Beiheft 1(1910),57 f.,195,329 f.;Monnier,‘Epibolé’。

  [54]Rostovtzeff,Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft Ⅱ,177 ff.;Lot,Fin du Monde Antique 62 ff.

  [55]A particularly important work full of information on this problem is H.Geiss,Geld-und naturalwirtschaftliche Erscheinungsformen im staatlichen Aufbau Italiens wahrend der Gotenzeit,Diss.Breslau 1931.Cf.also Mickwitz,Geld und Wirtschaft,147 ff.

  [56]Cf.Mickwitz,Geld und Wirtschaft;Bratianu,Etudes byz.,59 ff.;A.Segrè,‘Inflation and its Implication in Early Byzantine Times’,B 15(1940-1),249 ff.

  [57]Cf.T.Mommsen,‘Das romische Militarwesen seit Diocletian’,Ges.Schr.Ⅵ(1889),206 ff.;Grosse,Rom.Militargeschichte;J.Maspéro,Organisation militaire de l’Egypte byzantine,Paris 1912;W.Ensslin,‘Zum Heermeisteramt des spatromischen Reiches’,Klio 23(1929),306-25;24(1930),102-47,467-502;Bury,Later Rom.EmpireⅠ2,34 ff.;Stein,Geschichte Ⅰ,106 ff.,186 ff.

  [58]On the distribution of population in the late Roman period:Lot,Fin du Monde Antique,72 ff.;Stein,Geschichte Ⅰ,3 ff.

  [59]Cf.A.Christensen,L’Iran sous les Sassanides,Copenhagen-Paris 1936;‘Sassanid Persia’,CAH XII(1939),109 ff.;E.Koremann,‘Die romische Kaiserzeit’,introd.in Altertumswiss,Ⅲ3,2(1933),139 ff.(Neurom und Neupersien);Weltgeschichte Ⅱ,276 ff.

  [60]J.Maurice,Numismatique Constantinienne Ⅱ(1911),481 ff.;E.Gerland,‘Byzantion und die Gründung der Stadt Konstantinopel’,BNJ 10(1933),93 ff.;R.Janin,Constantinople byzantine,Paris 1950,29.

  [61]Gregorovius remarked in his Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter Ⅰ(1889),25:‘This was the most important city in the world to be established since the foundation of Rome’;and E.Schwartz,Kaiser Constantin und die christliche Kirche2(1936),85,wrote:‘Since Alexander’s creation of a cosmopolitan centre in Egypt,no other city has so changed the course of events as the great stronghold which arose on the ruins of a Greek town and today still bears witness to the commanding spirit of its founder’.A.Philippson,Das byzantinische Reich als geographische Erscheinung(1939),26,compares the foundation of Constantinople with that of Alexandria and St.Petersburg.Cf.also Philippson,op.cit.,29 ff.and 214.

  [62]Cf.Stein,Geschichte Ⅰ,195,note 6;A.Andréadès,‘La population de Constantinople’,Metron 1(1920),5 ff.(cf.also idem,‘La population de l’Empire byzantin’,Bull.de l’Inst.archéol.bulgare 9,1935,117 ff.).Andréadès’exaggerated estimate should be modified in the light of Stein’s convincing remarks,and in Baynes-Moss,Byzantium(1949),53(Economic Life of the Byzantine Empire),Andréadès himself finally recognizes the view that Constantinople in its palmy days had‘not fewer than 500,000 inhabitants,and perhaps sometimes more’.Stein,Bas-Empire,759 and 842,gives a minimum figure of 600,000 for the population of Constantinople in Justinian’s day;cf.also Bréhier,Civilisation,81 ff.on its size and ethnical composition.My agreement with Stein on this point is not in any sense an attempt to minimize the historical significance of Constantinople,as Stein does,following Seeck(cf.Geschichte Ⅰ,2 ff.,and especially Gnomon 4(1928),410 ff.).On the other hand,Stein’s estimate of the population of Constantinople should be reduced even more according to D.Jacoby,‘La population de Constantinople à l’époque byzantine:un problème de démographie urbaine’,B 31(1961),81 ff.He puts it at less than 400,000 in the sixth century.But Jacoby’s valuable discussion itself shows quite clearly that any estimate can only be very approximate.

  [63]On the emergence of the conception‘New Rome’which soon supplanted that of a‘Second Rome’see F.Dolger,‘Rom in der Gedankenwelt der Byzantiner’,Zeitschrift f.Kirchengesch.56(1937),especially pp.13 ff.(reprinted in Dolger,Byzanz,70 ff.).Constantine’s regard for the tradition of Old R ome and the slow stages by which the old capital was pushed into the background are rightly stressed.Cf.especially A.Alfoldi,The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome,Oxford 1948,and‘On the Foundation of Constantinople’,JRS 37(1947),10 ff.;J.M.C.Toynbee,‘Roma and Constantinopolis in Late-Antique Art’,ibid.135 ff.

  [64]Cf.R.Janin,Constantinople byzantine,Paris 1950,30 ff.

  [65]There is an exceedingly rich literature on this subject and only a selection of the more important works can be cited:J.Burckhardt,Die Zeit Constantins des Grossen5,Gestamtausgabe Ⅱ,Stuttgart 1929;E.Schwartz,Kaiser Constantin und die christliche Kirche2,Leipzig-Berlin 1936;N.H.Baynes,Constantine the Great and the Christian Church,London 1929,and‘Constantine’,CAH XII(1939),678-99;A.Piganiol,L’empereur Constantin,Paris 1932,and Empire Chrétien,25 ff.;H.Grégoire,‘La“conversion”de Constantin’,Revue de l’Univ.de Bruxelles 34(1930-1),231 ff.;‘Nouvelles recherches constantiniennes’,B 13(1938),551 ff.;‘La vision de Constantin“liquidée”’,B 14(1939),341 ff.;J.Zeiller,‘Quelques remarques sur la“vision”de Constantin’,ibid.,329 ff.;H.Lietzmann,‘Der Glaube Konstantins des Grossen’,S.B.d.Preuss.Akad.28-9(1937),263 ff.;A.Alfoldi,‘Hoc signo victor eris,Beitrage zur Bekehrung Konstantins des Grossen’,Pisciculi(1939),1 ff.and The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome,Oxford 1948;J.Vogt,Constantin der Grosse und sein Jahrhundert,Munich 1949,2nd ed.1960,244 ff. ↑返回顶部↑
