第241章(1 / 3)

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  [257]Cf.Zakythinos,Despotat Ⅰ,226 ff.

  [258]Cf.Krekic,op.cit.149 ff.

  [259]The letters of the humanist Ciriaco of Ancona throw completely new light on the events of 1444 and particularly on the agreement at Adrianople.These have been made available by F.Pall,‘Ciriaco d’Ancona e la crociata contro i Turchi’,Bull.hist.de l’Acad.Roumaine 20(1938),9-68,and O.Halecki,The Crusade of Varna.A Discussion of Controversial Problems,New York 1943,has reprinted them in a new sequence.Both scholars are,however,in complete disagreement in their evaluation of the circumstances which led to the catastrophe of Varna.Supporting a thesis put forward before in Polish historiography,Halecki attempts to show that king Vladislav never signed a peace treaty with the Sultan,so that the treaty of Szegedin is only a legend and the young Jagellon was not guilty of breaking his oath.Halecki,pp.67 ff.,is not,however,successful in his attempts to explain away a number of well-informed and independent sources which are in agreement in offering evidence to the contrary.The very opposite to the account which he would like to maintain is given by a number of contemporaries from different countries and in different positions,as for instance Muhammed Ⅱ,Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini(afterwards Pope Pius Ⅱ),the Polish historian Dlugosz and the scholar Galka,the Burgundian Walerand of Wawrin,the Byzantines Ducas and Chalcocondyles.Pall is therefore justified in rejecting any doubts about the historicity of the treaty of Szegedin and the fact of the breach;cf.F.Pall,‘Autour de la croisade de Varna:la question de la paix de Sceged et de sa rupture’,Bull.hist.de l’Acad.Roumaine 22(1941),144 ff.,and‘Un moment décisif de l’histoire du Sud-Est européen:la croisade de Varna’,Balcania 7(1944),102 ff.A full account of the dispute is given by F.Babinger,‘Von Amurath zu Amurath.Vor-und Nachspiel der Schlacht bei Varna’,Oriens 3(1950),229 ff.Cf.also idem,Mehmed der Eroberer und seine Zeit,Munich 1953,28 ff.

  [260]Cf.Zakythinos,Despotat Ⅰ,235,with references to the sources.

  [261]A detailed account of the life of this Empress is given by D.Anastasijevic‘Jedina vizantijska carica Srpkinja’(The only Byzantine Empress of Serbian origin),Brastvo 30(1939),26 ff.Cf.also ibid.31(1950),78 ff.,and 32(1941),50 ff.She was the daughter of the‘lord’Constantine Dragas,who in the last decades of the foruteenth century ruled in eastern Macedonia,first with his brother,the Despot John Dragas,and then as sole ruler,and who fell in 1395 at the battle of Rovine(cf.p.551 above,with n.2).That only Constantine Ⅺ and not his brother bore the name Dragas is probably explained by the fact that he bore his grandfather’s Christian name.

  [262]Ducas 329,11,ed.Grecu(CB,264)。

  [263]Cf.Norden,Papsttum und Byzanz 731 ff.;Fr.Cerone,‘La politica orientale di Alfonso di Aragona’,Archivio Storico per le provincie Napoletane 27(1902),3 ff.,380 ff.,555 ff.,774 ff.,and 28(1903),153 ff.;C.Marinescu,‘Le pape Nicolas Ⅴ et son attitude envers l’Empire byzantin’,Bull.de l’Inst.Archéol.Bulgare 9(1935),331 ff.;idem,‘Contribution à l’histoire des relationséconomiques entre l’Empire byzantin,la Sicile et le royaume de Naples de 1419 à 1453’,Studi biz.e neoell.5(1939),209 ff.Cf.also R.Guilland,,EEBS 22(1952),60 ff.

  [264]On the fight for Constantinople cf.E.Pears,The Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture of Constantinople by the Turks,1903(G.Schlumberger,Le siège,la prise et le sac de Constantinople par les Turcs en 1453(1915)has no independent value).Cf.also E.Pears,CMH Ⅳ(1923),693 ff.,and the excellent bibliography,idem 883 ff.;cf.now C.Amantos,‘La prise de Constantinople’in Le Cing-centième anniversaire de la prise de Constantinople,Athens 1953,9 ff.;F.Babinger,Mehmed der Eroberer und seine Zeit,Munich 1953,88 ff.


  [266]Cf.G.Kolias,‘Constantin Paléologue,le dernier défenseur de Constantinople’,in Le Cinq-centième anniversaire de la prise de Constantinople,Athens 1953,41 ff.

  [267]Cf.F.Babinger,‘La date de la prise de Trébizonde par les Turcs’,REB 7(1949),205 ff.




